socPub Gears Up for Drupal 10 Migration

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A news and opinion hub catering to Business & IT Leaders, Creators, and Marketers, 'socPub' prepares to migrate from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 in November, reflecting on its enduring journey with Drupal. 

The web administrator of socPub began their association with Drupal in April 2006 when they opted for Drupal to create what was originally known as CMS Report. They initially utilized a beta version of Drupal 4.7 for the project. For a brief interlude during the 2010s, Agility CMS took the reins. Other than that, Drupal has steadfastly remained the preferred content management system.

This migration marks a revisit for Bryan Ruby, the administrator, who recently completed a successful transition of from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10, describing the experience as relatively smooth. This departure from the typical complexities associated with content management system upgrades reflects Drupal's evolution into a more user-friendly and less dramatic upgrade process since the days of Drupal 8.

Drupal 10, released nearly a year ago, introduces significant improvements, such as 

  • simplified UI customization, 
  • support for decoupled navigation, 
  • enhanced content modeling and editing capabilities, 
  • improved block management, and 
  • performance enhancements. 

However, this progress also includes deprecating certain modules and themes from Drupal core, sparking nostalgia for elements like Aggregator and Quick Edit. 

Fortunately, many deprecated components have found support as contributed projects, ensuring a smoother transition.

Read more here.

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