Drupal 101

Topic: Developer | Audience: Beginner


This training is for anyone who knows nothing or very little about Drupal and wants to learn the basics.  Although this is a basic course, it will give you a very good overview of what Drupal is capable of, since most of its major features can be covered in a basic course. 

The training will be in 3 parts. If you just want to understand what Drupal is and how it works, section 1 is enough, and then you can simply watch and listen during section 2, as opposed to doing all the setup required in that section to to actually develop with Drupal. 


1. Build a Drupal site using the Drupal GUI

Attendees will create a site on the Pantheon hosting platform.  Using that site, we will walk through how to build a site using only the Drupal interface.  We will learn about content types, fields, taxonomy, media, users, permissions, views (lists of content) and more.  Only a browser will be needed for this portion of the course and you can stop after this section if you only want to learn about Drupal capabilities and not how to develop with it. 

IMPORTANT: You will need a Pantheon account which you can get here for free:  https://pantheon.io/register 


2. Developing with a Drupal site.

Using Git, we will pull down the code from our Pantheon sites.  We will setup a "local" version of the site on our computers. 

We will add modules using composer, configure them, and review the Drupal configuration file system.  Then we will push our changes up our Pantheon sites.

If we have time, we will create a Drupal theme. 

The Drupal part of this section is relatively simple, but the computer setup part is not.  What is needed on your computer for this section is:

A. Terminal

We will be running commands in terminal. Mac and Linux have this included.  Windows users may want to install this  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/    ...but have a look at this first:  https://www.wikihow.com/Open-Terminal-in-Windows

B.  Code editor

Highly recommend VS Code, which is free and many pro developers used these days. https://code.visualstudio.com/ 

But if you already have something else installed that you use, that's fine. 

C. Git 

See: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git

Optional:  Sourcetree:  https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/ 

D. Composer

See: https://getcomposer.org/ 

E. Drush (version 9)

See https://docs.drush.org/en/7.x/install/

F. Lando 

See https://lando.dev/download 

Lando is what we will be using for a local web server. If you already have something else installed that you use, that is fine, you don't have to use Lando. 

G. SSH keys 

In your main computer user folder, if you see a folder named .ssh and you see these two files in it, then you are all set:  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub

If you do not, you need to create an SSH key pair, see: https://pantheon.io/docs/ssh-keys 

IMPORTANT: Please make every effort to have the above installed before you arrive, but the instructor will help you when you arrive if you need it. 


3. Q& A Period 

We will leave a pretty long Q&A period at the end so that anyone who had difficulty can get help, and further questions can be asked. 



1. A laptop computer: Mac, Windows or Linux. 

2. Install the items mentioned in section 2 of the training (if you plan to do that section)




Training Length: Half Day | Room: TBD | Timeslot: Half Day Morning (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

Trainers: Rick Hood

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