Drupal Commerce Is the Single Most Powerful Content and Commerce Solution: Kyle Einecker | NEDCamp

Kyle Einecker
Kyle Einecker / LinkedIn

The New England DrupalCamp 2022 is in this weekend. We asked between 5 to 8 questions to every speaker at the camp via email/slack. Some questions were common to all, and some were specific. We also gave them a choice not to answer any particular question. The Drop Times got written responses from most of the speakers. We are publishing those short conversations as a series. Here is the sixth interview.  

Kyle Einecker is a Senior Technical Architect at Perficient. On Saturday, November 19, from 10:00 am to 10:45 am, he will present the session, “Why is Building Components in Drupal so Difficult?” at Room: New Hampshire (Gaige 202) as part of NEDCamp 2022. Here is what he have to say: 

TDT: [1] A brief introduction about yourself and your work in Drupal

Kyle Einecker: Hi, I’m Kyle Einecker, a Senior Technical Architect at Perficient, where I lead a global team of Drupal developers to deliver award-winning enterprise Drupal experiences in eCommerce, Health Care, and Finance. On Drupal.org, I go by ctrlADel, where you can find me contributing to various core discussions and modules.

TDT: [2] The community parlance is that ‘you come for the code but stay for the community.’ How did you first get introduced to the community? 

Kyle Einecker: I first found Drupal and its community online, creating my d.o account back in 2014 as I was fresh out of college teaching myself both PHP and Drupal. At that time, I was living in Chicago, and I chanced upon Midcamp in 2015 (one of the best North American Drupal camps) where I met great people like Andrea Soper, Kevin Thull, Avi Schwab, and even Mike Miles one of the eventual NEDCamp organizers. Since that first camp, I’ve been fortunate enough to attend and speak at many other Drupal Camps and DrupalCons across the country, where I’ve consistently met many other great members of the community.

TDT: [3] Tell us about what you present in the New England DrupalCamp 2022 and who should attend your session. 

Kyle Einecker: My session touches on something every architect, developer, or site builder implementing components has felt but rarely talked about since atomic design and component-based authoring became the go-to approach. Why is building components so hard? The answer is complicated, so you’ll need to attend my session or watch the recording from a previous camp to get all the details. I also plan to touch on how the Single Directory Component discussion happening in Drupal core will eventually make components easier.

TDT: [4] Everyone is waiting for the Drupal 10 release this December. What is the most exciting feature of Drupal 10 for you?

Kyle Einecker: CKEditor 5. The open-source version that is part of the core brings cleaner extension patterns and a more customizable editing experience. Add on the new premium real-time collaboration/review features, and you get a powerful editorial experience I haven’t seen in any other CMS.

TDT: [5] After multiple extensions of Drupal 7 end-of-life, a final sundown is set for November 2023. It has been around for a decade and is the most popular Drupal distribution. Even after extending the deadline, there are a lot of websites that still run on Drupal 7. What is your advice for people staying on Drupal 7?

Kyle Einecker: It’s time to let Drupal 7 go. It’s an aging platform that is receiving less and less support as time goes on and will eventually be permanently EOL. If you haven’t evaluated CMS offerings in a while, there are a lot more options in the market than there used to be, and after looking at competitors like Squarespace, Backdrop, static site generators, or a headless SaaS, it may be that Drupal is no longer the best solution for you. Hopefully, you find Drupal is still the best, though, and if you do, then I say D9/D10 is great! It’s time to bite the bullet and do the migration.

TDT: [6] You have been focusing on eCommerce Solutions. Another major open-source eCommerce CMS was Magento, which is now a part of Adobe Commerce. What does Drupal Commerce offer better so that someone building an eCommerce suite should choose Drupal over Magento? 

Kyle Einecker: Drupal Commerce is the single most powerful Content and Commerce solution I’ve worked with over the course of my career. Whether it’s an eCommerce site with a little bit of content or a content site with a little bit of eCommerce Drupal Commerce allows you to get up and running quickly with standard eCommerce functionality. For more complex sites, Drupal Commerce’s architecture is battle tested and has been iterated on over the years to be extensible exactly where you need it so that it can meet even the most complex commerce needs.


Join Kyle Einecker at NEDCamp 2022 for a live session, ‘Why is Building Components in Drupal so Difficult?’ at Room: New Hampshire (Gaige 202), from 10:00 am to 10:45 am on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at Rhode Island College, Providence, RI. Click here to Register.

Disclaimer: The information provided about the interviewee has been gathered from publicly available resources. The responsibility for the responses shared in the interview solely rests with the featured individual.

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