
The weekend of 27 and 28 January 2024 will take place the Drupal Contribution Weekend 2024.

For all those people who cannot join some of the localizations in Spain or simply prefer to join this event not in person, we will have a call to be able to join the #drupal-es channel of Slack and have a common meeting point virtual.

What is a Contribution Weekend?
A Contribution Weekend in Drupal is an event focused on collaboration and contribution to the open code content management system of Drupal. During these weekends, developers, designers, content creators and Drupal enthusiasts meet in person to work together on improving Drupal.

?Unless he contributes, can I go?
¡For sure! We plan to do an introductory talk for all those people who want to take their first steps. As we come up with more updates in this regard, we will make them public.

Am I interested, how can I write?
Actually no inscription is necessary; Join the call at the moment you want and greet the rest of the participants.

When and where are they?
Saturday 27 January 2024; We will start at 10:00 in the morning. It will be done virtually through a Slack huddle in the channel #drupal-es (

Do you have any planned programming?
We would like to structure the day a bit and think about what activities we can do to make it interesting for the whole world. You can join the channel #drupal-es and make a proposal for this day.

We will publish any news regarding this.

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