MidCamp 2022 Canceled


MidCamp 2022 which was supposed to have taken place in March has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic still raging relentlessly. The Drupal MidCamp organizers have thought it prudent to cancel the events rather than hold it online, after reassessing the situation in January. They had initially met in October of 2021 to discuss the plans for 2022.

The MidCamp was last held as an in-person event in 2021 from March 24th to March 27th. The Midwest Drupal Camp also called the MidCamp is an annual Chicago area event that brings together designers, developers, users, and evaluators of the open-source Drupal content management software. The four-day fun event usually includes community introduction day, livestream social, knowledge share, contribution day, etc.

MidCamp offers attendees whether a Drupal user, developer, designer, site builder, or someone who is just curious about Drupal, the opportunity to increase their Drupal knowledge through networking, contribution, sprints, training, and more.

MidCamp has speakers and attendees from around the world making it more than just a local event. The Chicago Drupal community, the main force behind MidCamp is looking for some new leadership to take an active role in the community affairs. While this is the first event to be canceled, we hope this is also the last event too to be canceled due to the pandemic.

Source: https://www.midcamp.org/2021/article/midcamp-2022-canceled

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