Peter Pónya (pedrop)

I'm the CTO and co-founder of BRAINSUM, a Drupal-focused company where we are building and maintaining complex, long-term projects with an agile approach.

We are present in 2 countries with HQ in Budapest, with a clientele mostly from Europe, the US, and Canada.

I'm an experienced backend developer and as the CTO I'm working with the clients and often evaluating different technologies and approaches.


We deliver cutting edge, ambitious digital experiences built on Drupal. For the past 13+ years, we’ve gained experience in workflows and meeting the expectations of enterprise level organizations in terms of web applications, ERP integrated e-shops, as well as complex news portals. Beyond our commitment to a high-level professional approach we believe in building partnerships based on trust, transparency and fairness, in order to develop close cooperation. BRAINSUM is an agile team of 20 people: UX designers, consultants, devops, test engineers and developers. Many of our team mem...

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