Droptica Spotlights Drupal Developer Days Vienna

Credit: erdfisch

In a recent blog post titled "Drupal Developer Days Vienna: Four Days of Growing and Boosting Drupal," Alina Urbaniak-Gawlik from Droptica shared insights into the enriching program of Drupal Developer Days. This event brought together Drupal enthusiasts, fostering open-source software development, promoting the Open Web and community, and exploring various aspects of backend, frontend, and decoupled development. With a focus on innovation, future trends, client experiences, and accessibility, Droptica emerged as a prominent participant in the event.

Drupal Developer Days, held from July 06 to 09, 2023, served as a melting pot of knowledge and collaboration for Drupal professionals, developers, and enthusiasts. The event aimed to facilitate the growth and advancement of the Drupal ecosystem, providing a platform for learning, sharing experiences, and exploring cutting-edge developments in the field.

As Droptica actively participated in Drupal Developer Days Vienna, they showcased their expertise and commitment to advancing Drupal's capabilities. Their contributions reflected the company's dedication to delivering innovative solutions and exceptional client experiences within the Drupal ecosystem.

Drupal Developer Days Vienna was an ideal platform for sharing knowledge, collaboration, and networking within the community. The event reaffirmed Drupal's position as a leading open-source content management system and highlighted the collective efforts of organizations like Droptica in pushing the boundaries of Drupal development.

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