Retrofit or Backdrop CMS: Which Is Best for Drupal 7 Users


In a recent blog post titled "Retrofit or Backdrop CMS: Which saviour should the damned on Drupal 7 sites turn to?" by Reuben Walker, Symfony Station delves into the choices available to those still relying on Drupal 7. With the imminent end of life for Drupal 7, Retrofit and Backdrop CMS emerge as potential solutions for users seeking a smooth transition or an alternative path.

The blog post acknowledges that Retrofit has introduced a more streamlined path for upgrading from Drupal 7 to a modern version. Retrofit, developed by Matt Glaman, has played a crucial role in extending the support for Drupal 7, providing users with additional time to migrate to a newer version. This unexpected development occurred just before DrupalCon Pittsburgh, effectively pushing back the end-of-life date for Drupal 7.

For Drupal 7 users who are seeking a more straightforward and modern approach to maintaining their websites, Retrofitting presents a viable option. It enables users to bridge the gap between Drupal 7 and newer versions of the CMS, preserving essential functionality while gradually modernizing the underlying technology.

Symfony Station's blog post, authored by Reuben Walker, sheds light on the choices available to Drupal 7 users facing the end of life of their trusted platform. With Retrofit offering a streamlined upgrade path and Backdrop CMS serving as a solid alternative, users have viable solutions to explore. By embracing these options, Drupal 7 users can protect the soul and core of their websites, ensuring their online presence remains secure, functional, and relevant.

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