Drupal 7 Future: Droptica's Insightful Webinar on Alternatives

As the post-Drupal 7 era approaches, exploring options for your website's future is essential with this system no longer supported. To shed light on the possibilities and guide website owners through the transition, Droptica is hosting a webinar titled "The Future After Drupal 7: Exploring Alternatives and New Opportunities." The webinar is scheduled for February 22 at 3:00 pm CEST.

In this session, Droptica aims to help website owners understand the options available after the support for Drupal 7 ends—a practical insight into alternative solutions and new possibilities for web development. Whether you're an experienced website owner or just starting, this webinar offers straightforward information to navigate the changes ahead.

Secure your spot by signing up for Droptica's webinar, and get ready to make informed decisions about the future of your Drupal 7 website. Join the discussion and be prepared for what comes next in web development.

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