Tag1 Team Talk: Expert Insights on Google's INP Metric and Core Web Vitals

During a recent episode of Tag1 Team Talk, Mariano Crivello hosted a discussion with Adam Silverstein from Google and Janez Urevc of Tag1 Consulting, focusing on Google's upcoming metric, Interaction to Next Paint (INP). Scheduled to be introduced in March 2024 as part of Core Web Vitals, INP aims to enhance user experience by measuring web responsiveness to user inputs. 

Adam Silverstein provided an in-depth overview of INP, emphasizing its significance in evaluating interaction quality beyond traditional load times. With an ideal INP score of 200 milliseconds or less, particularly crucial for mobile performance due to device and network variations, Silverstein highlighted the transition from First Input Delay (FID) to INP for a more comprehensive measure of interactivity throughout a page's lifecycle. He also shared insights into current Drupal site performance concerning Core Web Vitals, stressing the importance of mobile optimization and the anticipated impact of INP on future web performance metrics. 

Explore expert insights to navigate this significant web development shift.

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