
LimoenGroen is an experienced Drupal company based in Amsterdam with a strong focus on building sustainable websites, accessible regardless of place, device or visual impairment, that last at least 5 years.

Our core values are: accessibility, sustainability, teamwork, open source, curiosity and quality. We live these values by allowing our team to work on open source projects of their own on our Sustainable Thursday (our Google Friday) and are recognized for them by our award winning projects.

We work with partners to create web solutions that reach and engage users, delivered through Agile within time and budget.

Featured business case

FOX News Network and the Dutch Persgroep joined venture on the successful European lifestyle and cooking channel website

Awards and achievements


  • We attended DrupalCon Munich, Prague, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin and Vienna with our complete team
  • We presented at several Drupal events such as DrupalCon and DrupalCamp Helsinki
  • LimoenGroen is a regular sponsor of DrupalJam in the Netherlands
  • Our people volunteer to many contributions and co-organize(d) events like Frontend United

Do you want to create impact online and add value for your users with open source Drupal? Email us today or give us a call.

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