Portland Drupal Users Group

The Portland Drupal Community goes back to 2006 (or earlier) and has hosted Drupal meetups in the Portland area on a regular basis, and at one time the Devsigner conference. We are interested in building an inclusive and welcoming space for anyone interested in Drupal, from end users to developers, designers, site builders, hobbyists and everyone in between. Our group has active discussions on Slack: #drupal-pdx

Portland is home to many Drupal contributors, and is the seat of the US Drupal Association. We have hosted DrupalCon North America here several times, and we are looking forward to welcoming the Drupal community back in the future.

Portland Drupal is on Open Collective. This group allows us to transparently collect funds and use those funds for expenses related to hosting our meetups and events. If you would like to support our group, you can see your funds in our account and a record of where those funds were sent and for what purpose.

Some of our group members are working with the Open Collective community and the Drupal Association to add functionality to Drupal.org that lets project owners share their funding goals and status on their Drupal.org page.

Twitter: @drupalpdx
LinkedIn: Portland Drupal

Organization Members

Call for Support