Jessica Dearie

My day job is an IT Specialist with the EPA. I run the Office of Research and Development's Drupal-based intranet and am a technical lead for the agency's Intranet implementation of Drupal 9. My passions are usability and accessibility and I'm working hard to grow those skills.

I am an organizer with Drupal4Gov that works to connect and empower Government employees. We've held multiple Drupal Government Days events, Drupal Global Training Days, and hosted our second virtual Drupal GovCon scheduled in the fall of 2021. We are researching options for 2022.

Drupal4Gov also sponsors webinars and half-day events throughout the year. While we tailor many of our messages to government employees, almost everything we cover is useful to regular drupalers and open source evangelists! Remember, Govies are people too!

Drupal GovCon is a free event that everyone should attend! EVERYONE!

We shape most of our work around Drupal but do look to open Government to the use and contribution to open source development in general.

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