Aidan Foster

Front-end Web Architect, User Experience Designer & Researcher

Owner, UX Designer, & Front End Architect at Foster Interactive Inc.

I'm a UX Designer and Digital Strategist. I'm own, a web design agency in Toronto. 

I'm a tiny bit obsessive about process (in a good way). I focus on using tools and processes to improve the quality of both a site’s design & code, all while maintaining a careful balance between the needs of stakeholders and a site’s end-user audience.

I'm actively involved in the open-source community. I'm the president of the local non-profit Drupal Toronto organization, and vice president of Drupal North, which hosts Canada’s largest annual Drupal Conference.

My team creates Drupal-based websites using Responsive Design techniques to allow maximum compatibility on mobile, tablet, and desktop platforms.


Front End Architect
Foster Interactive Inc.
We focus on front end architecture, and user experience design and our technology platform of choice is Drupal 8. We work with SME’s, development shops, and design agencies to create awesome web experiences that work on any device. Our sites express your business objectives through a blend of cutting edge web technology and user-focused design. We break down the complex details of building modern websites into a structured process and provide you with a clear understanding of how your decisions will effect your audiences end-user experience and the project's budget.

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