Vadim Valuev

Graduated some 20 years ago with Masters degree in Biophysics from Novosibirsk State University. After some years of working in scientific research in the field of bioinformatics switched to commercial development. Wrote my first scientific programs in C. Then went for things popular at that time, such as Perl and C#. Shifted slowly to web-development, tried Symfony, Joomla and ended with Drupal. First Drupal site I handled was in Drupal 5.

Since then worked for various companies and in various environments, on-site and remotely, for huge international companies and startups, assuming various roles - backend dev, fullstack dev, team lead.

Believe in open-source and community values, for a short time was the editor of portal, write articles there, talk at local events, travel to Drupal Camps, DevDays and sometimes Cons.

Appreciate independence, expertise, honesty, curiosity and responsibility, and enjoy working with the people who share the same values.

Acquia certified backend specialist - D8

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