Sohail Lajevardi (doxigo)

Sohail is a front-end Drupal developer with a tendency towards design. He's been in the Drupal world since 2010 with Drupal 6. He has worked with different Drupal agencies in multiple countries, such as Canada, the US, and the UK, launching many websites, including some prominent startups in each country. 

He ran a Drupal and Social Media agency from 2015 until he joined Ramsalt Lab in 2018. Now, he is focused on Drupal performance and enhancing Drupal open-source themes out there


Frontend Engineer
Ramsalt Lab
Ramsalt Lab is recognized as one of Drupal's 30 top organizational contributors. Our customers come from all over the world, from the Russian and English language newspaper Barents Observer in the north to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Duoc Universidad Católica in Chile in the south. Eight universities and several newspapers are running our Ramsalt Media publishing platform.We have a network of the best collaboration partners in Scandinavia, the UK and the US, with expertise we draw upon when needed. We partnered with Google, won the Entrepreneur of the Year in the Bare...
Frontend developer, UX Designer, CEO
We are not one of those companies that does everything, whatever that gets thrown in their way, we are specialized in Drupal and all its caveats, we get things done with the best tools out there! for us, it's Drupal and maybe a touch of ReactJS, Setting up the server with Nginx and some Nodebalancers here and there and get things Varnished for best performance you'd expect

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