Bronius Motekaitis


Senior Drupal Developer
Congruity Works
Our specialty is working with media and non-profits who want to more deeply engage their readers and turn them into donors and advocates for their brand. Along with standard design and development work, we can integrate Drupal with a variety of client relationship management (CRM) databases to handle membership, donation and subscription services.
Senior Drupal Developer
If you're stuck on Drupal 7, contact HeroDevs about the Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support product to stay on a fully supported and secured version of Drupal 7. HeroDevs professional services can also help you migrate to new versions of Drupal.HeroDevs is the end-of-life partner of the open web. When an open source author sunsets a major library or version of a library, HeroDevs provides solutions to companies that are stuck on that library. HeroDevs offers Never-Ending Support products (NES) that are fully supported and secured forks of the original unsupported library, and profession...

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