Cloudflare Acquires Zaraz, Cloud loading Integration Tool
Cloudflare acquires Zaraz to enable cloud loading of third-party tools. Cloudflare announced the launch of Cloudflare Zaraz (beta): Beta version of the Zaraz product integrated into Cloudflare’s systems and dashboard. It can be used to manage and load third-party tools on the cloud, and achieve significant speed, privacy, and security improvements.
In an era where everything is happening online, speed of loading is a competitive advantage for websites. But when too many third-party tools are loaded onto an application, it can affect the site speed. It can in turn adversely affect important metrics like Total Blocking Time, Time to Interactive, and more.
The multiplicity of tools exposes websites to server security and privacy threats as well. Since most tools ask for remote JavaScript resources, customers can’t keep track of what’s being loaded on their website. And if that’s not enough, many third-party tools call other third-party resources or redirect HTTP requests to endpoints that users never knew existed. This bad practice exposes users to malicious threats and too often violates privacy ethics.
Zaraz significantly boosts a website's performance by optimizing how it loads third-party tools. Using the dashboard, customers can implement any type of third-party solution: interactive widgets, analytics tools, advertising tools, marketing automation, CRM tools, etc. The beta version includes a library of 18 third-party tools that can be integrated into the user website. In a few clicks, it is possible to start loading a tool entirely on the cloud, without any JavaScript running on the browsers of your end-users.
Moving the execution of third-party scripts away from the browser has a significant impact on page loading times, simply because less code is running in the browser. It also creates an extra layer of security and control over Personal Identifiable Information, Protected Health Information, or other sensitive pieces of information that are often unintentionally passed to third-party vendors.
Cloudflare is also planning the launch of PageShield, a solution to protect websites from potential risks. With these two products, Cloudflare hopes to offer a holistic solution to third-party security and privacy threats.
Source: Cloudflare blog