Matt Glaman Writes About Factories and Dependency Injection


The blog post "Factories and Dependency Injection" by Matt Glaman discusses the concept of factories and their relationship with dependency injection (DI).

The author begins by explaining the purpose of factories, which is to create and provide instances of objects in a controlled and configurable manner. Factories act as intermediaries between the consumer of an object and the creation logic, allowing for better separation of concerns and enabling more flexibility in object instantiation.

Next, the article explores the connection between factories and DI. Factories can be utilized in DI to create instances of objects while resolving their dependencies, thereby promoting the principles of DI.

The author provides examples and code snippets to illustrate the implementation of factories in various scenarios, including using factories with DI containers and managing complex object creation through factories. Additionally, the article discusses some best practices for using factories effectively.

Overall, the blog post emphasizes the significance of factories and highlights their role in achieving more maintainable, modular, and testable code when combined with DI principles. Click here to read the blog post.

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