A Closer Look at Drupal's Dominance in New Zealand

Drupal logo, in the background is New Zealand

Major websites in New Zealand, ranging from government agencies to corporations, universities, and nonprofits, are harnessing the power of Drupal as their preferred content management system. Published on Xequals, "Exploring Major Websites Powered by Drupal in New Zealand" dives into the widespread adoption of Drupal by major organizations nationwide. Drupal's open-source nature and robust features make it a versatile choice for organizations with diverse needs, offering security and scalability for large and small websites.

Among the notable organizations using Drupal in New Zealand are telecommunications giant 2degrees, Air New Zealand Travel Insurance, and McDonald's New Zealand, showcasing the system's ability to cater to various industries. Government agencies, including the Ministry of Health and Worktalk, rely on Drupal to deliver critical services and information to the public. Nonprofits like The Salvation Army and Māori Television benefit from Drupal's flexibility to share their messages effectively.

Education institutions such as the University of Canterbury's UC QuakeStudies and Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand use Drupal to preserve valuable historical data and provide educational resources.

These examples underscore Drupal's adaptability and reliability in supporting websites across sectors in New Zealand, reflecting its status as a preferred choice for building feature-rich, high-performance websites tailored to complex requirements. Click here to have an extensive read into the topic.

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