DrupalConLille: Onboarding the Next Generation of Drupal Engineers with Bostjan Kovac


Bostjan Kovac draws from his extensive experience spanning a decade in nurturing and integrating engineers into the Drupal ecosystem. In this brief 20-minute session, he adeptly navigates the intricate challenges of enticing developers to embrace PHP and guiding them into companies and teams where Drupal stands as the framework of choice. 

A seasoned expert in growing engineering teams from ground zero to a commendable 70+, Bostjan is eager to share the methodologies and practices he deems essential for individual companies and the broader Drupal community. These insights are paramount for ensuring a sustainable inflow of talent and contributors vital to the Drupal ecosystem's continued growth.

The backdrop of this DrupalCon Lille session is a pertinent question: Is PHP still an appealing career choice in dynamic web development? The prevailing conversations often revolve around the comparative popularity of PHP versus other programming languages like Python and Node.js and how this popularity influences talent attraction. In the spirit of Stoic philosophy, Kovac encourages focusing on the aspects within our control.

Throughout this session, Bostjan expound upon a comprehensive strategy and tactics framework carefully honed over the past half-decade within his team. Bostjan's insights and practices aren't confined to the boundaries of individual companies; they extend to the broader Drupal community. In this light, Drupal is seen as a driving force for the growth and evolution of PHP, positioning itself as a vital contributor to the web development landscape of the future.

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