Lozin: Empowering Directory Management with Drupal 9 Theme

Lozin – Directory & Listing Drupal 10 Theme

Engineered to streamline the establishment, administration, and monetization of both local and global directory sites, Lozin, a Director and Listing Drupal 9 Theme, provides a user-friendly solution for showcasing preferred spots online. The theme has a robust control panel featuring essential tools like Content Builder, Customize, and SliderLayer. 

Developed with Gavias Content Builder, a drag-and-drop builder, it simplifies the creation of professional blocks with ease. Offering compatibility with the latest web technologies, including Drupal 9.x, Lozin ensures a contemporary web experience, incorporating Bootstrap 4, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, and Font Awesome 5. With features like anchor link functionality, customizable shop pages, and responsive design, Lozin emerges as a practical and versatile Drupal theme for directory-based websites.

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