Oliver Davies Explores Drupal.org's Shift to Merge Requests

Oliver Davies shared insights on the issue queues on Drupal.org in a blog post titled "Patches vs Merge Requests." Despite not having contributed or committed as frequently lately, Davies embraced the new approaches, such as issue forks and GitLab merge requests, while submitting tests to the Content Access by Path module. 

With a history of numerous contributions to Drupal projects, including Drupal core and Drupal.org itself, Davies is well-versed in the intricacies of issue queues and the patch workflow. Having experienced the transition from CVS to Git and the pull/merge request approach on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, Davies acknowledges the potential benefits of a merge request-based workflow on Drupal.org. Anticipating a smoother process for new contributors, Davies looks forward to embracing this transition as the patch workflow becomes deprecated. 

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