PHPStan 1.12 Prepares Developers for Upcoming PHPStan 2.0
PHPStan 2.0 is on the horizon, and developers can start preparing for it today with the release of PHPStan 1.12. Ondřej Mirtes, in his latest blog post, highlights key advancements in version 1.12, including the general availability of precise type inference for regular expressions. Previously in Bleeding Edge, this feature has been refined and is now accessible to all users.
PHPStan 1.12 also introduces consistent checks for PHPDoc tags, fixing blind spots that were missed in earlier versions. Additionally, the update enhances the ability to identify unnecessary types in private property unions, a feature already available for function and method return types. Furthermore, PHPStan 1.12 ensures compatibility with PHP 8.4, making it ready for the upcoming changes in the language. These updates set the stage for a smooth transition to PHPStan 2.0, offering developers early access to new features and a more robust static analysis tool.
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