Open Source Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Talk in DrupalCon Portland 2022


DrupalCon Portland 2022 will have an ‘Open Source Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ Fireside Chat on 28th April at 9: 45 PDT in Ballroom 201-203 at the Oregon Convention Center with Demetris Cheatham and Lauren Maffeo as the speakers.

The fireside chat will discuss the progress made, challenges that persist, and what the Drupal and open source community can do to create an inclusive open source for everyone.

Demetric Cheatham is the Senior Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at GitHub. She is also a lecturer at North Carolina State University’s Poole College of Management and teaches Introduction to Entrepreneurship. 

Lauren Maffeo is Civic Tech Service Designer at Steampunk, Inc and Area Editor, Data Policy Journal at Cambridge University Press. She is also a fellow at the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Art, Manufactures, and Commerce.

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