Profile picture for user André Angelantoni

André Angelantoni

André Angelantoni is the Founder of Performant Labs, a long-time Drupal consultancy. He has been working with Drupal since 2007 and with web projects since the very beginning of the web. He is also a Senior Drupal Architect at HeroDevs

He is passionate about helping others become experts in Drupal development. To further that, he often gives presentations at Drupal camps, meetups, and DrupalCons, sharing his knowledge. The topics vary, including SOLR integration, which pitfalls to avoid in Layout Builder, automated testing, New Relic performance monitoring, and more.

He is also on the BADCamp (Bay Area Drupal Camp) organizing team and volunteered at DrupalCon San Francisco.

He is the project lead of the Automated Testing Kit, Layout Builder Kit, and Campaign Kit. For an example of his presentations, watch Setting up a Comprehensive Automated Testing Regime for Drupal using Cypress and Playwright given at the Stanford Web Camp 2023.