Friday Afternoon Unconference

8 Jul 2023, 3:30 am
3 Hours
drupal-camp-asheville-2023 Logo

All are welcome to this online unconference event where there are no preset presentations. Whether you want to discuss your projects with others, have an impromptu talk you would like to give or have a polished slide-deck presentation, you will be given the chance to pitch your idea(s). Once the pitches are made, every attendee will get to vote on the ones they find most interesting. This setup makes the event informal, the schedule fluid, and the topics dynamic. Most of all we have a lot of fun!


Friday, July 8th 1 pm - 4 pm EDT

If you are interested in Drupal and keen on spending an afternoon chatting with and learning from, other like-minded folks, be sure to make it to this year’s Unconference! While Drupal is the focus,  we will welcome talks on other related topics!

Suggested Topics

  • Accessibility
  • Demonstrate a current challenge and ask for help
  • DevOps
  • Drupal - all the things
  • Drupal-related languages and frameworks
  • Performance
  • Project Management
  • Security
  • Show and tell your web or application project

...or bring your ideas!