Case study: SHARE Good, a platform for regional NGO collaboration

20 Mar 2024, 10:00 am
1 hour

SHARE Good is a platform-as-a-service marketed to local communities (notably Omaha NE, Charlotte NC, Detroit MI) to democratize philanthropy, by bringing local nonprofits together in one place and offering simple and creative ways for people to engage with them. Drupal makes this possible by allowing nonprofits to enter their own structured data and then allowing the public to search for their precise interests.

Upgrading SHARE Good’s platform from Drupal 7 to 9 necessitated a complete rebuild from scratch, followed by data migration, completed in October 2022. In 2023 we allowed communities to choose Stripe rather than PayPal for processing donations, and we upgraded to Drupal 10. Currently 142 contributed modules are in use.

Twenty-one custom modules add functionality to Drupal core, Commerce, Search API Solr, and Smart Date, among others. Many of our customizations have been contributed back to their respective projects. This presentation will focus on how we have leveraged core and contrib functionality to build, maintain, and improve the platform.