
Each month there will be a Drupal presentation and lightning talks. There will also be time at the end for Q&A after the presentations have been concluded.

1800 Drinks
1830 Presentations
1915 Lightning talks and announcements
1930 Drinks, pizza, socialising and mentoring
2100 Kickout

Presentation 1: TBA
Got an idea for a talk? Please leave a note in the comments below and we'll see what we can do.

Looking for work?
A chance for Drupal developers who are looking for work (contracts, partnerships, employment) to make a 1 min pitch to the audience. This is your chance to intro yourself. Be sure to mention your skills and what work you are looking for.

Lightning talks
Got a quick 5 min talk up your sleeve? Bring it along on the day.

Get involved

We are actively encouraging presenters and mentors to come forth to take part in future events. If you have some ideas, just let us know. Each month there is room for lightning talks as well, so if you have something to present bring it along.


Many thanks to our sponsors: Catalyst, PreviousNext, Morpht, Acquia, This Little Duck, Srijan.

Special shout out to our individual sponsors: Peter Cossey and Kiran Devarapalli.

Call for Support