How Open-Source Software Can Help Power Gov Websites

Open Source

A recent article published by Apolitical discusses the importance of Open source software in creating inclusive digital government services. Written by Mike Gifford, Senior Strategist at CivicActions, it emphasizes that digital accessibility is essential for ensuring equal access to government services for all citizens.

The article highlights the barriers faced by individuals with disabilities when accessing government digital services and the need to address these issues. It suggests that Open-source software provides a viable solution by enabling collaboration, innovation, and sharing best practices.

Open-source projects offer the advantage of being customizable and adaptable to specific accessibility requirements. The collaborative nature of Open source software allows for the development of tools and features that prioritize accessibility and empower individuals with disabilities to access and interact with government services effectively.

The article also emphasizes the role of open standards in promoting interoperability and ensuring that government digital services are accessible across different platforms and assistive technologies.

In conclusion, the article advocates for using open-source software in government digital services to promote accessibility and ensure that all citizens, including those with disabilities, can fully participate in and benefit from these services. Click here to read the article.

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