Introducing Gaido: Your Go-To Drupal Development Guide

A unique tool designed for the Drupal community
Introducing Gaido

Just as we're familiar with OpenAI's ChatGPT, a highly advanced language model serving as our go-to for inquiries, Alejandro Madrigal Leiva introduces Gaido DrupalGPT1 as the go-to guide for Drupal developers.

This unique assistant is designed to navigate the intricacies of the Drupal platform. Whether you're a beginner needing guidance through the fundamentals or an experienced professional looking to boost efficiency, Gaido is a valuable companion on the Drupal journey, offering support and acceleration for your development endeavours.

"Gaido is your Drupal guide! Gaido is the “japanglish” way of saying guide and it is written originally like this ガイド.  Its purpose is to guide you when developing if you feel lost (which I would say is a common feeling many developers have felt when they started working with Drupal)."

says Alejandro Madrigal Leiva

Regarding the inspiration behind Gaido's development, Leiva draws from his extensive experience in the Costa Rican Drupal community. He notes the common discouragement among developers due to Drupal's perceived complexity.

Alejandro Madrigal Leiva states

 "People get discouraged due to the implicit nature of Drupal, the most common thing I run into is that they feel it is too complicated or difficult."

Gaido Drupal GPT was crafted using Open AI’s GPT store, emphasizing the ease of generating useful content by filling in a few fields. Primary inputs derive from OpenAI's knowledge inputs, while Leiva's own experiences and insights form the secondary set of inputs.

"The GPT was created using Open AI’s GPT store. It was surprising to see how easy you can get something done by filling a few fields and adding information. Its primary inputs of course come from their knowledge inputs. The secondary set of inputs however comes from my own experience, from the issues I’ve faced in the past to some of the issues people I’ve mentored have encountered. With some additional tips and how to."

Gaido's scope extends beyond the latest Drupal versions. It is designed to accommodate migration scenarios from Drupal 6 and 7, tailoring contextualized responses based on user prompts. The gradual improvement aims to align Gaido closely with the ever-evolving Drupal landscape.

"My idea is not to limit it yet to the latest versions of Drupal. As we are seeing migration from Drupal 6 and 7 sites to the newer versions it also needs to have that knowledge before it can be “removed”, however the responses should be contextualized if the user includes that as a prompt. Aside from that, it should be able to guide you to get your site done. It might not be perfect, but little by little it will get as close as can be."

Regarding its integration with existing workflows, Gaido is likened to having an assistant or a peer. Users can seek guidance, pose queries, and promptly receive code-related tips. The objective is accelerating problem-solving compared to conventional online searches, thus streamlining the development process.

"It integrates in a kind of similar fashion to having an assistant or a peer you are working with. This means that if you are stuck you can ask him a question the same way that you would do with a colleague (or me if it was during one of the Drupal development Twitch streaming sessions) and also have it take a look at your code and provide tips or recommendations. That should be faster than having to search online and filtering between many of the questions that might resemble your scenario but are not 100% the case."

Concerning support and engagement within the Drupal community, Alejandro Madrigal Leiva has officially released Gaido, disseminating it across multiple platforms to reach a wider audience. He invites users to offer feedback, emphasizing a commitment to continuous enhancement.

The outlined roadmap includes adapting to emerging Drupal features, phasing out support for outdated versions, and expanding language support to accommodate a diverse user base beyond English. Leiva expresses hopeful anticipation for OpenAI to make GPTs accessible to the public in the future, thereby eliminating the current subscription-based restriction.

"My goal right now is for people to use it and to provide feedback so I can improve it. Its roadmap would vary as new features are released for Drupal and as we see older versions no longer being used, but the general idea is to have it provide concise answers and get developers unblocked as quickly as possible and not limited to English but also Spanish and other languages as well.

I would love it if in the future OpenAI would open some GPTs so that they can be publicly available (right now the limitation is that you have to pay for OpenAI’s subscription)."

When requested to provide screenshots demonstrating Gaido's responses to queries, Alejandro graciously shared visual representations showcasing the capabilities of Gaido Drupal GPT.

The cookie cache context is not working in Pantheon; why would that be?


How can I create a custom module?

Chat GPT

Query: How to code an event subscriber?

Chat GPT

Query (spanish): cómo hacer para cachear una respuesta dependiendo del parámetro de un argumento del query string?


The same query but using Costa Rica slang (just for the lols)

Query: bye


Today at 9:00 PM IST, Alejandro Madrigal Leiva will conduct a two-hour-long Twitch stream to explain the process of creating a GPT and share insights into his work with Gaido. 

  • 1GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It's a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that OpenAI uses to create large language models that can generate human-like, conversational text.

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