DrupalCon Sponsorship: Supporting Community and Building Connections


DrupalCon Portland 2024 offers a prime opportunity for organizations to align with the Drupal community, extend support to its various aspects, and foster a sense of belonging among staff within the larger open-source ecosystem. By sponsoring DrupalCon, businesses can contribute to the enablement of training, sessions, and the participation of speakers and contributors that form the core of the event. Moreover, sponsorship presents avenues for team building and skill development, allowing staff to actively engage in the DrupalCon experience. The event also serves as a platform to forge connections with diverse stakeholders, including developers, marketers, end-users, Drupal agencies, partners, and enterprise users, thus facilitating brand visibility and thought leadership opportunities.

The sponsorship packages offered by DrupalCon Portland promise significant branding opportunities, thought leadership exposure, and the chance to launch new products and support offerings. Sponsors can leverage these packages to expand their partner network, attract new clients, and connect with top Drupal talent. Additionally, core sponsors stand to benefit from discounts on DrupalCon tickets and job posts, as well as weighted contribution credits, thus positioning themselves at the forefront of the global open-source community.

For more information, access the link.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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