GOVChats Webinar: Insights on Digital Transformation from Georgia and Iowa

GOVChats Webinar: Insights on Digital Transformation from Georgia and Iowa

The first episode of the GOVChats webinar, scheduled for March 6, 2024, will spotlight the evolution of digital publishing platforms with a special focus on Georgia's GovHub and Iowa's Digital Experience. Organized by the Georgia Technology Authority and Iowa Division of Information Technology, the online session will feature experts Donna Sumner from Georgia and Dawn Connet from Iowa. They will share their experiences and lessons learned in creating centralized content management systems for their respective states.

The webinar aims to guide other states, counties, and cities interested in developing similar digital infrastructures, promoting a comprehensive understanding of both the challenges and successes encountered along the way. Attendees are required to register through Zoom to receive a link to the event which runs from 2 to 2:45 p.m. EST on the day.

Register for the event using the given link.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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