Exploring the Event Day Programme at DrupalCamp Cemaes

Exploring the Event Day Programme at DrupalCamp Cemaes

The upcoming DrupalCamp Cemaes in Wales is scheduled for 08 June 2024.  As detailed in a blog post by organizer Jennifer Tehan, the camp is set to be an informal and collaborative event. Jennifer outlines the event's casual approach, inspired by the nature of bar camps and hallway tracks, and encourages participation from all attendees without a predetermined speaker list. Opting for an unstructured format due to the small scale of the event and a desire to avoid biases in speaker selection, she invites everyone to engage in various activities. 

The venue offers multiple spaces, including a main hall for talks, a sprint room, and a kitchen for culinary experiments. Located near the beach and natural surroundings, attendees are also encouraged to enjoy outdoor discussions and a coastal walk. Reflecting on past Drupal events, Jennifer emphasizes the lasting impact of informal interactions and spontaneous problem-solving sessions over formal presentations, aiming to recreate that dynamic and memorable experience at DrupalCamp Cemaes.

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