CTI Digital Webinar | Navigating Drupal 7 End-of-Life: Considerations and Strategies

As Drupal 7 nears its end-of-life in January 2025, organisations worldwide are confronted with critical decisions regarding their content management systems (CMS). To assist in navigating this pivotal phase, CTI Digital is hosting an informative webinar aimed at providing comprehensive guidance on the various considerations and strategies available.

Scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2024, from 11 am to 12 pm, the webinar will be led by CTI Digital's Drupal Technical Director, David Bishop, and Sales Director, James Tillotson. The session will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by the impending end-of-life of Drupal 7, covering essential topics such as CMS transition complexities and implications for IT infrastructure.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is tailored for IT professionals, marketers, content editors, and senior decision-makers who are grappling with Drupal 7's end-of-life and facing migration decisions, technical considerations, and strategic planning.

Key Topics and Takeaways:

Attendees can expect insights and actionable strategies in the following key areas:

  • Understanding Implications: Gain a clear understanding of the implications of Drupal 7 reaching end-of-life.
  • Exploring Options: Learn about the available options for transitioning to a new CMS or upgrading to Drupal 10.
  • Selecting the Right CMS: Receive guidance on evaluating and selecting the most suitable CMS solution for your organisation.
  • Transition Best Practices: Acquire practical steps and best practices for effectively managing the transition process.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and expertise to navigate the Drupal 7 end-of-life effectively. Register now to secure your spot and ensure your organisation is prepared for the future of CMS.

For registration and further details, visit CTI Digital's webinar page.

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