Moderately Critical XSS Vulnerability in Entity Reference Tree Widget


The Drupal Security Team announced on February 23rd 2022, a moderately critical Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Entity Reference Tree Widget module SA-CONTRIB-2022-026. The vulnerability is classified as moderately critical because of the 12∕25 [AC:Complex/A:Admin/CI:Some/II:Some/E:Theoretical/TD:All] Status

The Entity Reference Tree Widget module provides an entity-relationship hierarchy tree widget for an entity reference field. The module provides a combination of an autocomplete text field and a tree view for the reference field as one widget. This module uses the JsTree JavaScript library to render a hierarchy tree of those entities.

The XSS vulnerability is because the module does not sufficiently filter on output. The vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission to modify an entity that is the reference to a field.

Solution: If you use the Entity Reference Tree Widget module for Drupal 8.x or 9.x, upgrade to entity_reference_tree 2.0.2.

The vulnerability was reported by Jeroen Vreuls and fixed by Mingsong (module maintainer) and Jeroen Vreuls. This was coordinated with the help of Chris McCafferty and Damien McKenna of the Drupal Security Team.


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