Drupal's Beautify HTML Module Updated: Enhanced Formatting Tools Released

Drupal's Beautify HTML Module Updated: Enhanced Formatting Tools Released

The latest update to the Beautify HTML module introduces enhanced HTML formatting capabilities for Drupal users.

"Say hello to tidy HTML code with this sleek Drupal module! Let's clean up the web together."

jolted Matthieu Scarset on LinkedIn about the module.

In Memorium of the original developer, Richard Burford, who passed away in 2016, his company Freestyle Systems sponsored the earlier versions; this module now includes configurable beautifiers such as Tidy—requiring the Tidy PHP extension—and the HTML Beautify library, available on GitHub. 

As of April 26, 2024, users can install the module via composer, enabling it with Drush, and then configure it through the Drupal admin interface to select and save their preferred beautifier. This update aims to streamline the HTML output process, making the source code both compact and aesthetically pleasing. 

The Beautify HTML module, a part of the developer tools and performance ecosystem, continues to support developers in improving the readability and efficiency of their HTML code. Users can visit the Drupal project page for more information and to engage with the community.

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