Drupal Business Deutschland e.V.

German Drupal Business Association for organizing marketing and events in joint initiative with the Drupal e.V.


Over the months and years, we have repeatedly noticed at various Drupal community events that we as a Drupal company can achieve much more together than everyone trying to get ahead alone. We see a lot of potential in being able to advance Drupal in Germany and further improve the level of awareness and acceptance of Drupal through targeted measures such as marketing, further training and events.

For this reason, representatives from some Drupal companies have regularly met at events on various occasions, discussed and discussed together how we can improve the situation in Germany.

From these thoughts, two spontaneous projects emerged, each of which was brought about in a short time through the initiative of individual people and companies. On the one hand , a marketing site drupalagenturen.de was spontaneously created for the Drupal stand at SymfonyCon 2016 in Berlin , with the aim of improving the visibility of professional Drupal service providers in Germany. On the other hand , the first German Splash Awards were held in Hamburg on March 15, 2017 and have been held every year since then.

Although supported by several companies from the Drupal community, one company was officially responsible for both initiatives due to the short lead time. Contact with Drupal eV was also sought here, but organization through the existing Drupal eV was not possible at the time.

However, with these two initiatives we are far from having reached the end of our ideas. In order to avoid that individual companies or even individuals have to take on the risk of organizing, financing and legally representing these measures in the future, we have looked for a way to be able to carry them out through a legal entity. In coordination with Drupal eV, we have determined that the implementation of the planned activities via Drupal eV could possibly be prevented or at least unnecessarily complicated by its non-profit status. However, so that we can act pragmatically and promptly in the further planning of events such as the Splash Awards 2018 , we founded Drupal Business Deutschland eV at the end of October 2017 in consultation with Drupal eV, the Drupal Association and the Community Working Group.

Goals of the club

Drupal Business Deutschland eV sees its purpose in promoting and disseminating the open source content management system “Drupal” in Germany. He works closely with existing organizations such as Drupal eV to complement them in a meaningful way.

Some measures here are:

  • the marketing of Drupal as a business solution,
  • representing the Drupal business community at trade fairs, conferences and other events,
  • promoting Drupal to potential customers and influencers,
  • promoting collaboration between the general Drupal community, Drupal users and professional service providers, as well as national and international associations that support or promote Drupal specifically or generally,
  • the support of further training and education measures in the Drupal environment,
  • Providing marketing materials to position Drupal in the commercial market,
  • the organization and support of events to increase Drupal's market share and
  • the operation of websites to market Drupal and Drupal service providers.

It is our deepest desire to work with the community to create ways to strengthen Drupal and expand the possibilities for Drupal developers, users and companies. We see a functioning and healthy Drupal market as an essential component for the further spread of Drupal in all areas. We also see Drupal companies as an important integrated part of the Drupal community, which could not exist in this successful form without each other.

Organizational form

Members of the association are Drupal service providers (especially agencies) with relevant headquarters in Germany who actively promote Drupal.

To support our work, we have also deliberately chosen a supplementary advisory board. Above all, we want to promote collaboration with other important community organizations such as Drupal eV, the Drupal Business Alliance and the Drupal Association, use synergies and advance joint projects.

To emphasize it again: Drupal Business Deutschland eV was founded in addition to and in consultation with Drupal eV in order to be able to work on topics that are not the focus of Drupal eV because of their commercial context or that are for Drupal eV because of its non-profit status cannot be implemented effectively.

The members can be found on the website drupalagenturen.de .

Further measures

The Splash Awards are held every year. You can find out more about this at http://www.splashawards.de/ .

We are also in the process of consolidating the existing website drupalagenturen.de and are currently working on a new, transparent concept.

The board also meets at least once a month to initiate and discuss upcoming tasks and new initiatives. This will probably also include the organization of future Drupal Training Days in collaboration with Drupal eV. We will keep you updated about these and other measures via our channels ( tba ) and are of course always grateful for your dedicated cooperation.

At this point, we as the board would like to thank you for the numerous interesting discussions that have already shown us that we as a community still have a lot to do, but also that we are on the right track with this initiative. Thank you!