OpenForum Europe

OpenForum Europe (OFE) is a not-for-profit, Brussels-based independent think tank which explains the merits of openness in computing to policy makers and communities across Europe.

The openness principles which guide all our activities are:

  • user centricity,
  • competition,
  • flexibility,
  • sustainability, and
  • community.

Originally launched in 2002 to accelerate and broaden the use of Open Source Software (OSS) among businesses, consumers and governments, OFE’s focus has since evolved. OFE currently maintains a Policy Research and Development team based in Brussels, which is supported both by our network of partners and supporters, and by specific specialist advisors. The main policy topics that we cover are: Open Source, Open standards, Cybersecurity, Digital Government, Public Procurement, Intellectual Property, Cloud Computing and Internet Policy.

OFE also hosts an independent global network of OpenForum Academy Fellows, each contributing significant innovative thought leadership on core topics, in order to provide new input and insight into the key issues which impact the openness of the ICT market. OFE works closely with the European Commission, the European Parliament, national and local governments, both directly and via its national partners.