Kirsten Burgard

I founded Drupal4Gov back in the ancient past of 2009 to empower Government employees. We are currently planning our 10th Drupal GovCon for 2020.

Drupal GovCon is a free event that is open to all and that everyone should attend! EVERYONE!

We also hold events in DC and webinars that anyone can attend. We shape most of our work around Drupal but do look to open Government to the use and contribution to open source development in general.

Kirsten and the Drupal4Gov board have begun the process of creating a non-profit for Drupal4Gov. She currently serves as the Executive Director and the team is in the planning process for upcoming Drupal Global Training days as well as webinars and other half day events to teach, mentor and encourage Drupal adoption in non profits and all government levels.

Kirsten has been drupaling since 2008 starting out on D5 with UnionReview. Kirsten is a trade unionist and 2nd generation Finnish-American. Kirsten currently works for the US Department of State, is a single mom (who raised an amazing daughter and UMD graduate) and community organizer. Kirsten resides in Maryland.

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