Leslie Glynn (leslieg)
Leslie Glynn or leslieg has been a part of the Drupal community since 2011. She has over 32 years of experience in the software development field and has been a Drupal project manager, client building, and site builder since 2012. She is PMP and PMI Agile certified practitioner and Acquia certified site builder Drupal 8.
She has organized and mentored Drupal sprints, provided training at DrupalCons and Drupal camps, volunteered and organized Drupal camps. Leslie was Drupal Association Board member from 2019 to 2021, Project Browser Strategic Initiative co-lead, Drupal.org site moderator, and Drupal core initiative coordinator.
Leslie has contributed to Drupal patches, Drupal issue queue, and Drupal documentation. She has helped in Drupal Support forums, mentored new contributors, and has completed Code of conduct contact training. She was also the winner of the 2019 Aaron Winborn Award.