David Welch

Platform engineer, systems architect and overall technology enthusiast. Constantly looking for new and exciting technology, interesting challenges and opportunities to refine my craft. Always happy to get involved with the community and meet like minded people who share my interests.

I love the web... and everything it is assimilating.


If you're stuck on Drupal 7, contact HeroDevs about the Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support product to stay on a fully supported and secured version of Drupal 7. HeroDevs professional services can also help you migrate to new versions of Drupal.HeroDevs is the end-of-life partner of the open web. When an open source author sunsets a major library or version of a library, HeroDevs provides solutions to companies that are stuck on that library. HeroDevs offers Never-Ending Support products (NES) that are fully supported and secured forks of the original unsupported library, and profession...

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