Piotrek Koszuliński

CKEditor core developer since 2012. CKEditor 5 project leader.

Oversaw (from the CKEditor side) CKEditor 4 integration into Drupal 8 back in 2013-2014 and CKEditor 5 integration into Drupal 9-10.


CKEditor 5 project leader
About CKSource CKSource has been an integral part of the Drupal community for many years, offering and maintaining the highly popular Open Source CKEditor and FCKeditor WYSIWYG modules. In 2013, CKEditor 4 was nominated as the default rich text editor in Drupal 8 core. Now, CKEditor 5 is an experimental, optional core module in Drupal 9 and will go on to be a default core module in Drupal 10, guaranteeing the company’s standing as an essential contributor to the Drupal community. Since 2006, CKSource has offered a range of rich text editing products as well as services designed t...

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