Michel van Velde

Currently working on launching a new venture. I was the co-founder of One Shoe and Managing Director of iO campus Utrecht. I have been a board member of the Drupal Association, responsible for governance, the local association program and marketing of Drupal. I am also one of the founders of the Dutch Drupal Community and SDBN, Stichting Drupal Bedrijven Nederland (The Dutch Foundation of Drupal Companies) and the German Drupal Business Association (Drupal Business Verein and Drupalagenturen.de). I've organized DrupalJams, Drupal Splashawards, Drupal CXO events and am the founder / organizer of the Drupalcafe's. I am a regular speaker at the Drupal Business Tracks of Drupalcon. I co-organize the Drupal CEO diners at the European Drupalcons and the Drupal CEO survey.

About The Organization