Ivan Doroshenko

Ivan Doroshenko or Matroskeen, Drupal developer at Dev Branch and Evolving Web is an active member of Drupal Ukraine Community. He has been a part of Drupal for over 5 years and has almost 300 Drupal project commits.

He is a project contributor and mentor. Ivan is maintaining Drupal modules like Rabbit Hole, Entity Construction Kit, Duplicate role and more. He is also helping improve Drupal core majorly focusing on Migrate API, Views and Developer Experience in general.

Ivan has been a speaker at Drupal Cafe Lutsk and a mentor at Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Lutsk. He has attended multiple DrupalCon and Camps. He has contributed Drupal patches, Drupal installation profiles, Drupal documentation and automated tests. He has also reviewed project applications and helped mentor new contributors.


DevBranch, a web development agency with experienced Drupalers, is one of the top 30 organizational contributors in 2021. They offer expertise to governments, real estate, e-commerce, intranet, and high-load platforms. They primarily work with digital agencies from the US and EU.They help solve client and server-side problems with headless CMS. DevBranch also makes use of decoupled Drupal and builds projects from scratch. They have worked with clients like Finland Weather, Zyprus real-estate, and more.DevBranch hosts a free local Drupal conference called Drupal Cafe Lutsk with 80+...

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