Drupal 7 EOL Podcast: Episode 9 Out for Listeners
The 9th Episode of Chromatic's Drupal 7 End of Lile (EoL) podcast is out. In the new episode, Mark Dorison and Dave Look discuss mainly the EoL extension of Drupal 7. Also, there is something special about the latest episode. Episode 9 is recorded on the sidelines of DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023.
Listeners can hear about the important sessions and discussions around Drupal 7. The hosts discuss the options available for Drupal 7 site owners and their way forward.
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The idea of Retrofit - Running legacy Drupal 7 code on a Drupal 10 site - also finds a place in the discussion.
The podcast takes us through the migration pathways available for Drupal 7 website owners to migrate to Drupal 9. The episode is a must-hear for anyone interested in discussing Drupal 7 and its EOL extension. Click here to listen to the podcast.
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DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States