Open Web's Future: Composable Architecture Webinar

The digital landscape is evolving, and with it, the way we build and maintain websites and online platforms. The growing dominance of walled content ecosystems and the increasing reliance on Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions have sparked concerns about the future of the Open Web. To address these concerns, is hosting an insightful webinar on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 1:00 PM EDT, titled "The Future of the Open Web is Composable."

Scheduled to be presented by industry experts Bree Benesh and Bryan Gruneberg, this webinar will explore the concept of composable architectures, a revolutionary approach that goes beyond the traditional separation of front-end and back-end tools. Instead, it empowers developers to construct specialized tool stacks, offering a flexible and open alternative to mainstream SaaS options.

One of the key advantages of composable architectures is that they provide developers with the freedom to deploy, maintain, and scale their tools without surrendering control to closed-off SaaS providers. This approach leverages open-source composable web platforms and technologies like Containers, Kubernetes, and Lagoon. By doing so, it fosters an Open Web-friendly environment where developers can host the tools they need within a transparent and open-source-based platform.

The webinar will delve into the practical applications of composable architectures, showcasing how this approach can help preserve the ideals of the Open Web and provide developers with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly centralized digital landscape.

For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit: Webinar: The Future of the Open Web is Composable | - ZeroOps Application Delivery Platform. Join us in exploring the possibilities of a more open and composable web!

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