Enhancing Drupal's Performance: The Impact of Automated Testing


Janez Urevc discusses the significant stride that Drupal is taking in performance enhancement, thanks to a notable partnership between Google and Tag1 Consulting. The driving force behind this initiative is Nathaniel Catchpole, Drupal's core release manager (known as catch), who is spearheading the integration of automated performance testing directly into the Drupal development process. The central tenet of this development is the prospect of drastically improving the already outstanding performance of Drupal.

This DrupalCon Lille BoF session by Janez offers attendees a live demonstration, elucidation on the framework's fundamentals, practical guidance on its application in Drupal Core development and individual sites, as well as a discourse on the advantages, the journey to this point, the envisioned future, and the valuable feedback from the community. One pivotal goal within Drupal Core is the early detection of issues in the developmental life cycle, aiming to eliminate regressions and reduce the burden on the few individuals who manually and infrequently oversee performance evaluations.


The automated performance testing framework is seamlessly integrated into Drupal's core and the development workflow, harnessing the familiarity of tools such as PHP Unit. It is made accessible to the Drupal community. The forthcoming beta release is slated to conduct hourly tests on active Drupal core branches, with results publicly reported. Plans include:

  • Expanding the scope to encompass additional tests.
  • Evaluating core merge requests.
  • Even enabling maintainers of contributed modules to leverage the framework.

This open-source tool empowers end-users to safeguard their platform's performance while building upon Drupal, ultimately benefiting the broader Drupal community, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Google and Tag1 Consulting.

For more information, click here.

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