Momento's Drupal Cache Integration Boosts Performance

Momento, the dynamic software platform, has unveiled a solution to boost the performance of websites and applications by introducing the Momento Cache Drupal integration

Momento Cache is a Caching-as-a-Service (CaaS) that can be integrated with Drupal. Momento Cache removes the complexity of managing cache servers and clusters by providing serverless caching.

Momento Cache has the following features: 

  • Reduces expensive or unnecessary queries against your primary database
  • Offers fast performance, instant provisioning, and a fully managed operational model
  • Works with all types of application architectures
  • Features an intelligent proxy that handles automatic scaling, node warming, hot key mitigation, replication, and deployments

Momento Cache has an SDK for the eight most popular programming languages.

Pete Gautier writes about this module in his blog post, “Supercharge your default Drupal cache by integrating with Momento.”1 The said module simplifies the critical task of caching, offering a serverless and efficient approach for Drupal sites and applications.

In the world of content management and web applications, caching is a fundamental component for delivering high-speed user experiences. Traditionally, Drupal has employed databases, such as MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL, for caching costly calculations. However, this method has its limitations, particularly in terms of speed and scalability.

Momento's innovative Cache Drupal integration solves this challenge by eliminating the complexities of managing cache servers and clusters. By doing so, it introduces a serverless caching system that can significantly enhance the performance of Drupal-based websites and applications.

The module, now available to Drupal users, seamlessly integrates with Momento Cache, ushering in a new era of caching capabilities for Drupal. The result? A substantial performance boost, similar to that offered by dedicated caching solutions like Memcache and Redis.

Compared to other high-performance solutions that demand server provisioning, intricate configurations, and ongoing maintenance, Momento Cache minimizes cost and effort. This approach empowers Drupal developers and administrators to focus on perfecting their projects rather than managing caching infrastructure.

The Momento Cache Drupal integration represents a substantial step forward in optimizing website and application performance, making it an essential addition to the Drupal community's toolkit.

For a more in-depth understanding of how Momento Cache can revolutionize your Drupal project, read the full blog post authored by Pete Gautier.

  • 1Pete Gautier, gomomento, “Supercharge your default Drupal cache by integrating with Momento.” Published October 25, 2023, URL:

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