TAC Returns to Drupal GovCon 2023: Breaks Migration Taboos

Drupal 10 Migration

Drupal GovCon 2023 marked the triumphant return of The Accidental Coder (TAC), captivating the audience with a session tailored for non-developers, specifically addressing the intricacies of content migration. Held in November, the live event provided the perfect stage for TAC to unravel the complexities hidden beneath the surface of Content Management Systems (CMS).

Contrary to the perception that moving content between CMS platforms, even across different versions of the same CMS like Drupal 7 and Drupal 10, is a straightforward process, TAC shed light on the inherent challenges. Using the analogy of a hitchhiker's journey, TAC emphasized the need for strategic decision-making, akin to appraising the route and risks involved when the destination is known. The session underlined the critical role of a guide (and a metaphorical towel) in ensuring the success of the migration journey.

Tailored for those seeking to comprehend the intricacies of content migration, TAC's session offered valuable insights into content complexity, strategic decision-making nuances, the varied types of decisions involved, the impact of non-content elements on the process, and the crucial aspect of initiating migration planning well in advance. Attendees left with a deeper understanding of the nuanced challenges, equipping them to navigate the migration process seamlessly.


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